Privacy Policy and User Personal Information Protection Agreement for Dice Heroes

Last updated, effective and published date: December 30, 2022.


Welcome to use the Dice Heroes software and services!

To use the Dice Heroes Software and Services provided by Beijing Zhongruan Zhikong Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongruan Zhikong") (hereinafter referred to as "this software", "Dice Heroes" or "this service")You should read and comply with the "Dice Heroes User Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").

Please read and understand each clause of this agreement carefully, especially those clauses that exclude or limit liability, as well as any separate agreements for using specific services, and then choose to accept or decline. The clauses that limit or exclude liability are highlighted in bold for your attention. We will provide you with the corresponding services only after obtaining your clear consent and acceptance.

The terms and conditions under this agreement may be changed at any time by Zhongsoft Intelligent Control, and you should regularly review them. If there are any changes to the terms of the agreement, Zhongsoft Intelligent Control will update this page and provide the changes on the relevant pages of Xiaoxiong Reading, and will notify you separately. The modified agreement shall be effective as a substitute for the original agreement upon its publication. You have the right not to accept the modified agreement, but it may cause you to stop using a certain software or service provided by Zhongsoft Intelligent Control. You can check the latest user personal information protection and privacy policies on this page at any time.

If you violate any terms of this Agreement, Zhongruan Zhikong has the right to limit, suspend or terminate the provision of this Service to you at any time according to the violation, and has the right to hold you responsible for your actions.


1.Dice Heroes app: Refers to the client software that is provided by ChinaSoft International to the user as a reading tool. It supports the reading of books in the in-app bookstore and provides users with software licenses and services that include but are not limited to book recommendations, friend sharing, and other functions or content. In this agreement, it is referred to as "Dice Heroes".

2User: refers to the user who uses, browses or uploads data to the Dice Heroes software, and is referred to as "you" more in this agreement.

3.Other users refer to users of the Dice Heroes app other than the user themselves.

2、Scope of Agreement

1.This Agreement is the agreement between you and this platform regarding your downloading, installation, and use of the software related to user personal information protection and privacy policy in this software.

2.The content of this Agreement also includes any related agreements, statements, business rules, and announcement guidelines regarding the protection of user personal information and privacy policy that may be released by Zhongruan Zhikong from time to time (collectively referred to as "Special Rules"). Once the above content is officially released, it will become an integral part of this Agreement, and you should also comply with it.

3、User Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy

1.Before you can use some of the features of this service, you need to have a successfully registered Little Bear Reading Platform account, which you need to providephone number(*)+Verification code(*);Or WeChat account, and obtain authorization from that WeChat account. The authorization content includes:WeChat account open ID(*)、Nickname(*)、Profile picture(*)。For your account information, this platform will use professional encryption storage and transmission methods to ensure information security. We will not collect, use, disclose, or publicly disclose your information without authorization.Please be aware that you are responsible for properly safeguarding your account information and account password.

Regarding the specific rules for using your account, please comply with the relevant account usage agreement (including but not limited to the "Dice Heroes User Service Agreement") and other special rules published by Zhongruan Zhikong for this purpose.

2.You understand and agree that in order to provide you with our services, we will require you to provide the necessary personal information for the corresponding services (we will clearly indicate to you the purpose, method, scope, storage period, and location of collecting and using personal information in this privacy policy, and collect information after obtaining your consent).If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to provide our products or services to you.

2.1Scope of information collection and usage:

(1)The information you provided when registering your account (such as your phone number) and the information you uploaded while using the service.

(2)The information you submit through our customer service or when participating in our events, as well as the information we obtain when you use our services.

The detailed list is as follows:

1)Login: Users use the 'One-click login'Phone number(*);Or WeChat authorized loginWeChat account(*)Profile picture(*)Nickname(*),Or mobile phone number+verification code login mobile phone number(*)

2)Edit profile: Account avatar, nickname,Gender(*)

3)Account: accountID (System-generated unique identifier for the account, which the user cannot edit),account avatar,nickname, gender.

4)Sign-in:If you click on the check-in icon, you can get a certain number of coins, which can be claimed once a day and cannot be claimed repeatedly. The check-in rules are subject to the page display.

5)Notifications:If you agree and actively click "Allow", we will send you push notifications. You can set the sound and badge of the notifications in your mobile system. If you want to turn off push notifications, you can set it in your mobile system.

6)"My Wallet" (coins), "My Coins":Gold coin balance (balance of virtual points for users)(*),Gold coin details(*),Gold coin withdrawal(*),The gold coins can be obtained through new user gifts, daily reading, signing in, or completing other tasks in the welfare center.

7)My wallet (cash), my cash:cash balance(*),Cash transaction details(*),Cash withdrawal(*),Cash can be earned by inviting friends.

8)Withdrawal: If you wish to withdraw gold coins or cash, you need to bind them simultaneouslyphone number(*)andWeChat account(*),And it should meet the withdrawal requirements (the specific requirements are subject to the rules on the page);

9)Today's Reading: Counts the user's reading time in the Dice Heroes APP on that day, measured in minutes;

10)Invite friends:

a)WeChat invitation: If you agree and actively click on WeChat invitation, in order to implement the invitation function, we need to open your WeChat account(*),Your consent is required when opening for the first time;

b)Friend circle invitation: If you agree and actively click on the invitation from Friend circle, in order to implement the invitation function, we need to open yourWeChat Moments Editing Page(*),Your consent is required when opening for the first time;

c)Face to face invitation: If you agree and actively click on the face to face invitation, in order to achieve the invitation function, we need to open the face to face invitation page (which includes the QR code and invitation code for reading and downloading Dice Heroes);

d)QQ invitation: If you agree and actively click on QQ invitation, in order to implement the invitation function, we need to open yourQQ(*),Your consent is required when opening for the first time;

e)QQ Space Invitation: You agree and actively click on the QQ Space invitation. In order to implement the invitation function, we need to open yourQQ space forwarding editing page(*),Your consent is required when opening for the first time;

11)Reading records:Browsing History(*)(Users can use the same device to read and browse books on Little Bear), bookshelf records (users can delete all books that have been added to the bookshelf record using the same account, and add books from the bookshelf record to the device's local bookshelf), and management (add or delete books from the browsing record, and add or delete books from the bookshelf record). In order to achieve bookshelf recording and manage bookshelf recording functions, you need to log in to the Little Bear Reading registration account. If you refuse to log in, you will not be able to use it;

12)Bookshelf: When you first open the LDice Heroes APP,We may proactively recommend high-quality books to you and add them to your bookshelf. You can also place books you are reading or like on the bookshelf for easy retrieval, or delete books that you do not want to keep on the bookshelf;

13)Import Book: If you agree and actively click on the import book, we will open the Import Local Book page. If you agree and actively click on the smart book guide, we will scan your device after obtaining your authorization and display all scanned TXT, EPUB, MOBI format files,You can manually check to confirm the books that need to be added to the device's local bookshelf;If you agree and actively click on the phone directory, you can choose the TXT, EPUB, MOBI format file path and add it to the device's local bookshelf.Please note that this feature requires obtaining phone storage permissions (*) ,If you refuse authorization, you will not be able to use this feature. You agree and confirm that the files you imported from your device into the local bookshelf do not contain any content that violates relevant laws and regulations or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, and you shall bear full responsibility for this. Only the Android system has this function

14)Message notification: Notification within the Dice Heroes System,Including withdrawal review(*), new friend joining, nickname modification (we need to identify your registered Little Bear Reading account), and general notifications;

15)VIP membership: Users who pay to open a VIP membership can enjoy the VIP membership benefits of no advertising (excluding the activation page), voice reading (free of advertising), additional coins, and adding noble logos throughout the venue (Zhongsoft Intelligent Control has the right to update the VIP membership benefits from time to time, according to the "Benefit Description" displayed on the page). If you agree and actively click "Open Now",WeChat payment (*) and Alipay (*) payment pages (Android system) will be pulled up,But we only obtain your payment information (*) and will not obtain other information including payment account, password, fingerprint, etc;

16)Reward function: Users can use the reward function of this software to use coins or purchase virtual gifts to reward their works (specific to the "Reward Rules" displayed on the function page). If the user chooses to purchase a virtual gift as a reward,WeChat payment (*) and Alipay (*) payment pages (Android system) will be pulled up,But we only obtain your payment information (*) and will not obtain other information including payment account, password, fingerprint, etc;

17)Voice listening: If you agree and actively click on the reading page listening button, you can choose to "watch mini videos for free" or "activate privileges, free of advertising during reading". If you choose "watch mini videos for free", you need to watch the mini videos before using this function. We may determine the time and frequency of watching the mini videos again based on the duration of your use of the voice listening function.To use this feature, you need to download an offline voice pack. You can choose to cancel the download. If you cancel the download, you will not be able to use the voice reading function, but it will not affect your use of other functions of reading with Dice Heroes. This feature only requires the use of your device's speakers (*), without using your microphone permissions;

18)Account binding: My - Settings - Account Management page,You can bind your phone number (*) or WeChat account(*), and you can independently change the binding phone number (*) or WeChat account (*). If you wish to cancel the binding of your phone number or WeChat account, please contact our customer service;


a)Novice benefits: Bind your phone number(*) or WeChat account(*), withdraw 1 yuan(*) (Activity Rules)Receive gold coins every day;

b)Reading benefits: including joining bookshelves, receiving coins for reading, and watching videos without advertising;

c)Daily benefits: including lucky turntable and watching small videos;

d)Advanced benefits: Open push to receive free coins;

e)Limited time benefits: If you actively click on the limited time benefits and agree to open a third-party page or app, you will be redirected to the third-party page or app for relevant operations, which are subject to the third-party's User Service Agreement and Privacy Policy;

20)Help and feedback: If you agree and actively click on "I want feedback", you need to submit a problem description, problem image (optional), and the user's contact information, Mobile number (*) or QQ number (*).To achieve the function of submitting images, we need to access your camera (*) and album (*). To access the camera, we need to obtain camera permissions (*),To access the album, you need to obtain mobile storage permission(*). If you do not agree with us to obtain this permission, you will not be able to use the submit image function, but this will not affect your use of other functions of reading with Little Bear;

21)Product security guarantee function: In order to ensure the security of your account and system, we need to obtain your device MAC address, Android ID, and IP address;In addition, to ensure the security of your device's operating environment, prevent malicious programs and anti cheating, we will obtain a list of installed or running applications/apps on your device. Please be aware that a separate application/app list cannot identify your specific identity.

The permissions corresponding to the above functions are mandatory for business functions. If you do not grant the corresponding permissions, you will not be able to use the relevant functions, but it will not affect the use of other functions.

If you voluntarily provide your personal sensitive information (*), it means that you agree that we will handle your personal sensitive information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this agreement.

2.2For users using the Android system, when using this software, for the purpose of providing, processing, maintaining, improving, developing our products and/or providing services to you, Dice Heroes may obtain the following permissions for your terminal device:

(1)Allow access to network permissions to enable the software to connect to the network normally;

(2)Allow access to WiFi status permissions to enable this software to obtain the current WiFi connection status;

(3)Allow access to network status permissions to enable this software to obtain the current network connection status;

(4)Allow programs to change network status permissions, so that this software provides a "one click login" function;

(5)Allow external storage permissions to be written, allowing this software to provide voice listening function;

(6)Allow access to phone permissions to obtain device serial number(*) information for statistical and account security risk control purposes;

(7)Allow permission to write system settings, allowing this software to provide functions such as modifying screen rest time and voice reading;

(8)Allow access to external storage permissions, allowing the software to provide functions such as importing books, listening to books through voice, providing feedback on uploading images, and clearing cache;

(9)Allow installation of other application permissions, allowing this software to be upgraded, downloaded, and installed with other applications;

(10)Allow requests for access to cameras and photo albums, allowing this software to provide the function of uploading images during feedback;

(11)Allow the program to continue running even after the phone's screen is locked, allowing this software to provide push and voice reading functions;

(12)Allow frontend service permissions to enable this software to provide voice listening functionality.

(13)Allow acquisition of acceleration sensors.

2.3How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information


We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information. Your personal information is an important basis and component of our products and/or services provided to you. For your personal information, we only collect and use it for the purposes and scope stated in this Privacy Policy or in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, and strictly keep it confidential. We will not cooperate with any third-party companies other than Zhongruan Zhikong Control and its affiliates Organizations and individuals share your personal information, unless one or more of the following situations exist:

(1)You made your own request;

(2)We have obtained your explicit authorization and consent in advance;

(3)It is necessary and reasonable for Zhongruan Zhikong Control and its affiliated parties to share their internal information. You are aware and agree that some personal information that does not include your personal sensitive information in the registered account information and related reading data of Zhongsoft Intelligent Control may be shared with our affiliated companies, We will strive to ensure that our affiliated companies take security measures not lower than the level promised in this privacy policy, as well as comply with other security protection requirements we propose to ensure the security of your personal information;

(4)The shared information is deidentified, and the third party accepting the information sharing cannot re identify the identity of the information subject;

(5)Sharing with third parties in order to protect you, our other users or employees, Zhongruan Zhikong Control or social public interests, property or security (such as fraud or credit risk) from harm;

(6)In some cases, only by sharing your personal information can we achieve the core functions of our products and/or services, provide the services you need, or handle disputes or disputes between you and others;

(7)Shared based on relevant agreements (such as online agreements, platform rules, etc.) or legal documents signed between you and us;

(8)Conforming to the relevant agreements between you and other third parties;

(9)Shared based on reasonable business practices, such as sharing information on winners/winners in joint marketing activities with third parties, so that they can distribute prizes/gifts to you in a timely manner; We accept due diligence and wait;

(10)Other situations that require sharing as required by authorities, litigation disputes, laws and regulations, etc.

We will only share your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and only share necessary personal information. When we share information with our business partners, we will strictly demand that they fulfill their responsibility to protect your personal information.

2.3.2 transference

Transfer means the process of transferring control over personal information to other companies, organizations, or individuals. In principle, we will not transfer your personal information, except in the following cases:

(1)You made your own request;

(2)We have obtained your explicit authorization and consent in advance;

(3)If we engage in a merger, acquisition, restructuring, division, bankruptcy, asset transfer, or similar transaction, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transaction, we will require the new holder to continue to comply with and fulfill all contents of the Privacy Policy (including usage purposes, usage rules, security measures, etc.), otherwise we will require them to obtain your explicit authorization and consent again;

(4)Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

If the transfer is necessary due to the above reasons, we will inform you of the purpose and type of the transferred information before the transfer (if it involves your personal sensitive information, we will also inform you of the content of the sensitive information involved), and we will obtain your authorization and consent before transferring, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or this policy.

2.3.3 public disclosure

Public disclosure is the act of releasing information to society or unspecified groups of people. We will not disclose your personal information publicly, except for necessary matters such as penalty announcements for illegal accounts, fraudulent behavior, and the desensitization display of relevant information when publishing the list of winners/winners. If there is a legitimate reason for public disclosure, we will inform you of the purpose of the publicly disclosed information before public disclosure The type (if it involves your personal sensitive information, we will also inform you of the content of the sensitive information involved) and publicly disclose it after obtaining your authorization and consent, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or this policy.

For your personal information publicly disclosed, we will fully consider the risks and carefully review its legitimacy, rationality, and legality as soon as we receive the application for public disclosure. We will also take measures and means of personal information security protection not lower than those stipulated in this Privacy Policy during and after public disclosure to protect it.

Please be aware that even if we have obtained your authorized consent, we will only publicly disclose your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and try to anonymize the personal information in the publicly disclosed content.

According to laws and regulations, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent in the following circumstances:

(1)Directly related to national security and national defense security;

(2)Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(3)Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments; Or in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, administrative agencies or competent authorities such as the Public Prosecutor's Law;

(4)For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain your personal consent;

(5)Personal information is publicly available to the public on your own or collected from legally available channels such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, etc;

(6)According to the necessary agreements or other written documents signed and fulfilled with you;

(7)Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

2.4third-party services

Dice Heroes may include third-party SDKs or other similar applications (hereinafter collectively referred to as third-party SDKs), which will directly collect and process your information (such as in the form of embedded code, plugins, etc.).We will strive to review the business admission qualifications of third-party SDKs and carefully evaluate their security capabilities, requiring the legal compliance and security of such service providers. In order to maximize the security of your information, we strongly recommend that you first review its privacy terms. Please refer to the third-party SDKs currently included in our product 《Third Party SDK Directory》。

2.5How do we useCookiesand similar technologies

Cookies are very important for improving users' online user experience, and the use of Cookies by Zhongruan Zhikong Control is generally for the following purposes


Cookie can notify us when you access our services, so that we can verify youraccount information (*)to ensure the security of your account.For example,Cookietechnology can notify us when you log in to Dice Heroes, so we can identify whether you are securely logged in and display information related to you when you visit Dice Heroes website.


Cookie can help us ensure the security of our data and services, and investigate cheating, hacking, and fraudulent activities targeting our products and services.For example,Cookiescan store the ticket information of yourtoken (*), which can be verified by the server whether it is your normal login to read on Little Bear independently. By using encrypted information in the ticket information, multiple types of attacks can be prevented, cross site information theft access can be prevented, and identity impersonation access can be prevented.

(3)Features and Services

Cookie can help us provide better products and services for users. For example,Cookiecan help you fill in the account name of the last time you logged in through stored information when you log in, improving your operational efficiency.


Cookiecan avoid unnecessary server load, improve service efficiency, and save resources. For example,Cookiecan help us optimize the traffic routed between servers and understand the speed at which different users load our services. Sometimes, we may useCookieto make you load and respond faster when using Bear Reading.

2.6How to use and protect information:

2.6.1Protecting user personal information is a fundamental principle of our platform, and we will take reasonable measures to protect user personal information. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or this agreement, this platform will not disclose or disclose user personal information to third parties without the user's permission. This platform adopts professional encrypted storage and transmission methods for relevant information to ensure the security of users' personal information.

2.6.2This platform will use various security technologies and procedures to establish a comprehensive management system to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.For example,https+self-developed encryption methods can achieve transmission encryption; AdoptingJWTidentity authentication (currently the most popular cross domain authentication solution); Detect malicious user traffic, freeze accounts after analyzing suspicious user behavior, prevent account theft and cause losses to users; High availability of the database (referring to reducing the time when the system cannot provide services through design) prevents the loss of user coins, cash, and other data, and can be backed up and restored; When the client displays the user's phone number, the middle 4 digits are hidden with an "*" sign to protect the user's phone number, etc.

2.6.3Without your consent, Zhongruan Zhikong will not share, transfer, or publicly disclose your personal information to any company, organization, or individual outside of Zhongruan Zhikong, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or this agreement.

2.6.4You understand and agree that, without disclosing individual user privacy information, this platform has the right to conduct technical analysis of the entire user database and commercially utilize the user database that has been analyzed, organized, and desensitized.

2.7At present, Dice Heroes does not have any personal information going abroad. If personal information needs to go abroad in the future due to business development, we will list the types of personal information going abroad one by one in this policy and clearly mark them.

2.8You understand and agree that if you share relevant content on your own to a third-party product/platform, it will make the third party aware of some of your information, including account avatar, account nickname, and shared content;Moreover, the information you share will be displayed on the products/platforms you share (including but not limited toQQ, WeChat, and other platforms). On this product/platform, third parties can view your information based on the settings of their respective products/platforms, including account avatars, account nicknames, and shared content. If you are unwilling to let third parties know your information, please do not use these functions of this software; By using these features of this software, it is deemed that you agree that a third party is aware of your information.

2.9You understand and agree that in order to provide you with better services, this platform can associate the data records of your Little Bear reading account on the platform's official website and other clients (such as purchase records, consumption records, bookshelf content). Similarly, our platform company can also associate the aforementioned data records of your Little Bear reading account with this account on the platform's official website and other clients.

2.10The location and duration of our information storage

2.10.1We comply with laws and regulations, and all personal information collected and generated during operations within the People's Republic of China is stored within the territory of China, except for the following situations:

(1)There are clear provisions in laws and regulations;

In response to the above situations, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this privacy policy.

2.10.2Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information for the necessary period (no less than 6 months ) to achieve our goals, unless there are mandatory retention requirements by law. Our criteria for judging the aforementioned period include:

(1)Complete the service objectives related to you, maintain corresponding service and business records, and respond to potential inquiries or complaints from you;

(2)Ensure the safety and quality of our services provided to you;

(3)Do you agree to a longer retention time;

(4)Is there any other special agreement regarding the retention period.

After your personal information exceeds the retention period, we will delete it or anonymize it in accordance with applicable laws.

2.10.3Information deletion and anonymization processing

If Dice Heroes decides to stop operating, we will stop collecting your personal information after the relevant services stop operating. We will notify you of the cessation of operations in the form of an announcement. Your personal information already held will be deleted or anonymized.

4、Your rights

1.Access your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions specified by laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise data access rights, you can access them yourself through the following methods:

(1)Access basic information such as avatar, nickname, gender, etc.: After entering theAPP, click "My", click "avatar", and perform information query and access;

(2)Access account binding information: After entering theAPP, click "Settings", click "Account and Security", and perform information query and access.

2.Correct your personal information

When you find that your personal information needs to be corrected, you can modify it yourself through the page in "1. Access your personal information", or contact customer service to assist you in modifying the information.

3.Delete your personal information

In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:

(1)If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2)If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3)If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

(4)If you no longer use our products or services, or if you cancel your account;

(5)If we no longer provide you with products or services.

When your personal information is deleted, we may not immediately delete the corresponding personal information in the backup system, but we will delete it during backup updates.

4.Manage your authorization scope

If you want to change the authorization scope, including device information (such as serial number) (*), phone storage permissions (*), camera and album permissions (*),You can directly modify the authorization scope through mobile permission settings, or you can enter the mobile permission settings page through My Settings Privacy Settings to modify the authorization scope. If you cancel the necessary authorization for a specific function in the service, it may not be possible to use that function properly, but it does not affect your use of other functions in the service.

5.Account cancellation

(1)To cancel an account, the following conditions must be met:

1)There have been no operations to change sensitive information such as changing phone numbers or WeChat signals in the past week;

2)There are no withdrawal requests under review;

3)The account is in a normal state and there are no restrictions such as being disabled.

(2)After logging off the account, the relevant information will be cleared and cannot be retrieved, and related operations cannot be carried out:

1)Unable to log in or use Dice Heroes account;

2)The bookshelf records in the account will be cleared;

3)The privilege rights in the account will be cleared;

4)The invitation friend relationship in the account will be cleared;

5)The check-in record in the account will be cleared;

6)The gold coins and cash balance in the account will be cleared.

(3)In the following situations, according to legal and regulatory requirements, we may not be able to respond to your request:

1)Directly related to national security and national defense security;

2)Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3)Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

4)There is sufficient evidence to indicate that you have subjective malice or abused your rights;

5)Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

6)Involving trade secrets.

(4)Logout operation

Click on "Settings", click on "Account and Security", click on "Account Security", click on "Cancel Account", click on "Agree and Cancel Account", and click on "Apply for Account Cancellation After Verification". After submitting the application for account cancellation for review, we will complete the review within 5-7 working days. Before the account is officially cancelled, you can terminate the cancellation process by logging in through the account.

6.Obtain a copy of your personal information

You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. If you need a copy of your personal information, you can contact us through the method provided at the end of this agreement. After verifying your identity, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information (including basic information and identity information) in our products and services, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

7.Constrained Information System Automatic Decision Making

In certain business functions (such as lottery activities), we may only make decisions based on non manual automatic decision-making mechanisms such as information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to contact us through the methods provided at the end of this agreement and request us to provide an explanation. We will also provide appropriate remedies.

8.Respond to your above request

To ensure security, when responding to your above requests (1-7 items), you may need to provide a written request or prove your identity in other ways. We may verify your identity before processing your request.

We will provide a response within thirty days. If you are not satisfied, you can also make a complaint by contacting us at the end of this agreement.

We do not charge any fees for your reasonable requests in principle, but for requests that are repeated multiple times and exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost according to the situation. We may refuse requests that are unfounded, require excessive technical means (such as developing new systems or fundamentally changing existing practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical (such as involving information stored on backup tapes).

We will not be able to respond to your request in the following situations:

(1)Related to our obligations under laws and regulations;

(2)Directly related to national security and national defense security;

(3)Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

(4)Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;

(5)We have sufficient evidence to indicate that your request has subjective malice or abuse of power;

(6)For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

(7)Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

(8)Involving trade secrets.

9.complaint management

We have provided you with various complaint feedback channels, please refer to the "Contact Us" section at the end of this agreement for details. You can contact us through customer service QQ and phone. After verifying your identity, we will respond and handle your complaint within 15 working days.

5、Protection of minors

1.Youth mode: In order to protect the healthy growth of teenagers, Little Bear Reading has specially launched a youth mode, and some functions will no longer be available for use in this mode. We have selected a batch of educational and knowledge books and presented them in the Selected Bookstore for users in the youth mode to read.If you want your underage children to use our products and services, you can set up and activate youth mode in "My" - "Youth Mode". When turning on teenage mode,You need to bind yourphone number (*).If you wish to exit Teenager mode, you need to verify by receiving theSMS verification code (*) through the boundphone number (*).

Minors should obtain the consent of their guardians before using our products and services. If you are a minor, you should use the Dice Heroes under the supervision and guidance of your guardian.

If you are the guardian of a child under the age of 14, before using our products and services,Please read carefully and fully understand The Rules for the Protection of Children's Personal Information,We will specifically explain to you the personal information protection rules for children.

2.We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, and only collect, use, or publicly disclose the personal information of minors when permitted by laws and regulations, with the explicit consent of guardians, or necessary to protect the rights and interests of minors.

3.If you are the guardian of a minor, if you have any questions about the personal information of the minor you are monitoring, you can communicate and resolve them with us through the contact information disclosed in "Contact Us" of this privacy policy. If we discover that we have collected personal information of minors without obtaining verifiable guardians' consent in advance, we will delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

6、Notification and Delivery

All notifications under this agreement can be made through important page announcements, emails, text messages, or regular mail transmission; Such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered to the recipient on the date of sending.


1.By using this software, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement. This platform has the right to modify the terms of this agreement if necessary. You can refer to the relevant agreement terms in the latest version of this software, and this platform will also prominently display them in this software. After the terms of this agreement are changed, if you continue to use this software, it is deemed that you have accepted the modified agreement; If there is a change in the purpose, method, and scope of collecting and using your personal information, we will prompt you to read it in an appropriate manner and obtain your authorization again. If you do not accept the modified agreement, you should stop using this software.

2.This agreement is signed in Haidian District, Beijing, People's Republic of China.

3.The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland region of the People's Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws).

4.If any disputes or controversies arise between you and this platform, they should first be resolved through friendly negotiation;If negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the jurisdiction of the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where this agreement is signed .

5.The titles of all clauses in this agreement are for convenience of reading only and have no actual meaning and cannot be used as a basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this agreement.

6.Regardless of the reasons for partial invalidity or unenforceability of the terms of this agreement, the remaining terms shall remain valid and binding on both parties. (End of main text)

Introduction to invitation codes

Company Name: Beijing Zhongruan Zhikong Information Technology Co., Ltd

Customer service QQ: 178443039 (customer service processing time is 15 working days)

Registered address: No.06, 5th floor, No. 60 Xizhimen North Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Contact information of person in charge of personal information protection: 010-57233185

important clause


Article 39 of the Contract Law of China stipulates that if a contract is concluded using standard terms, the party providing the standard terms shall follow the principle of fairness to determine the rights and obligations between the parties, and take reasonable measures to draw the other party's attention to the clauses exempting or limiting their liability, and explain the clauses according to the other party's requirements.

Zhongruan Zhikong hereby makes a special statement in accordance with the law as follows:

The obligation of Zhongruan Zhikong to draw your attention in a reasonable manner will be achieved through the following methods: in this agreement, Zhongsoft Intelligent will remind users to pay attention to relevant terms in a clear and reasonable manner, such as accented fonts, italics, underscores, color markings, etc., that are sufficient to attract your attention,The confirmation of these terms will result in your passivity, inconvenience, and loss in specific circumstances. Please read the above terms again before confirming your agreement to this agreement. Both parties confirm that the above terms do not belong to the provisions of Article 40 of the Contract Law that "exempt the other party from liability, increase the other party's liability, and exclude the other party's main rights".